Gossip Viv Speaks To Teens At ImaginOn Center In Charlotte, N.C.

Just yesterday I went to the ImaginOn library in Uptown Charlotte and spoke to a room full of teens in the "Lucrative Pop Culture" program. Hence, the reason why I was not able to update my site. :)

The turn out was great and I spoke to teens about employment opportunities outside of your regular 9am-5pm. The teens who aged in range from 13 years old to 18 years old were eager to hear about what was available to them and how they themselves can enter into the world of entertainment. I did stress the importance of continuing education and going to college to find out exactly what it is they feel they want to do for their futures.

The photo above was taken with just a few students from the "Lucrative Pop Culture" program. However, I plan to do more speaking engagements at ImaginOn and it is a wonderful place to take your children.

ImaginOn has sooo many activities for your child or children to do, they will NEVER get bored! There's a children's theater, a library, an area where you can film, edit and create your own footage if you wanted to make a video, there's a studio in there if someone felt they wanted to become a singer or rapper and much, much more!

If you'd like to check out ImaginOn and everything they have going on, their address is 300 East 7th Street in Charlotte. They're pretty dope!

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