Khloe Kardashian Says James Harden Begged Her To Have A Monogamous Relationship!

Looks like Khloe Kardashian is putting James Harden all the way on blast!

What may have looked like a fleeting relationship may have been something James Harden wanted to take to the next level....have Khloe tell it.

During a segment of "Kocktails With Khloe", Khloe was asked about her last relationship and why it didn't last. Khloe took no time to answer the question, but made it quite clear that she was talking about James Harden....even though she never said his name.

And to add insult to injury, Khloe says she has receipts should they need to be provided. Ha!

Check out Khloe explain her last relationship below:

Do you believe Khloe? I'll hold.

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