Dutchess From Black Ink Fights Donna & Ripped Off Her Weave!!

My beautiful friend.....and yes Dutchess is my personal friend.....recently posted on Instagram that she had just snatched the wig off of Donna (receptionist for Black Ink in Harlem) because Donna was really trying Dutchess.

You can check out what Dutchess posted on her Instagram below:

I know the back story that is going on between Dutchess and Donna, and unfortunately I can't go into depth about what the problem is between them. However, you will be able to find out for yourselves what's going on with them once "Black Ink Crew" returns to Vh1.

The only thing I can reveal is that the situation is grimey and people took advantage of my girl Dutchess. So if Dutchess fought Donna and beat her ass, than I know for sure it was rightfully so.

That's right! I'm taking sides and I'm siding with my friend! Period!

Donna did respond to Dutchess though.....check that out below:

I'm hearing Donna's sister jumped into the mix on Instagram and all I'll say is this, please don't bring it to Dutchess! She's got a lot of love here and it can get real ugly! #CarryOn

1 comment:

  1. From the show it does not look like anyone took advantage of Dutchess. She's a grown woman who did not handle her alcohol and cheated on her man. She's lying and playing the victim so I don't buy the whole being taken advantage of bit that she's playing. We all saw her lie about her ring, her cell phone and who she slept with.
