Future Says Ciara Has Been Keeping Him From His Son!

Looks like there's trouble in fatherhood paradise for rapper, Future!

The rapper recently took to his Twitter page to rant and rave about Ciara not allowing him to see his son although he pays his $15,000 a month child support order.

If you missed out on those tweets, check them out below:

Ciara nor her boo, Russell Wilson, has commented on Future's outburst, which is the smartest thing they can do. Future is making himself look crazy out here in these streets by venting on social media.

In all actuality, Ciara can try to take those tweets to court and give him a run for his money, but that's just my opinion.

Anywho, you can soon expect some new music from the rapper going in on Ciara. I'll keep you guys posted when that comes out. :)

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